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Debut exhibition in Paris

More than a year after his return to France and after having started to exhibit in Harlem, Maurice organizes his first exhibition in Paris !!! I have been invited to join other artists exhibiting with his works and several musicians and rappers will perform at the opening.

The Renaissance exhibition will be held from June 22 to 24 in the Espace7 gallery at 7 rue Saint-Sabin in Bastille and the opening will take place on Saturday, June 23 from 18h to 22h.

#### Performances during the opening, Saturday 23 June:

Vincent The anthoën 18: 00-19: 00:

Dams 19: 00-19: 30

Aghiad Ghanem 19h45-20h05

Luigi Krüger 20h05-20h25

Pi-Well 8:40 pm

Morning Haze 9:30 pm: Sollières

#### Sunday, June 24th: 14h00 - 16h30: Live Performance by Maurice 17h00 - 19h00

Launch party goodie bag by Les Petites Essentielles

#### Guest artists to exhibit


Bokani (@bokani)

Camilla Kjeldal


Morgane Lang (@ morgane.lang)

Chloé Maréchal (@ loe.mare)

Pierre Kubes (@pierrekubes)

Jean-Baptiste Pain (@jbp_photo)

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Studio 15,Space Studios, 56 Dace Rd, Bow, London, E3 2NG

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